MKWF is an annual international water forum between the Mekong countries and multinational development partners. Stakeholders including high-level Ministers, water experts and practitioners from the Mekong region, and the development partner organizations gather, discuss, and exchange dialogues to raise water issues, find solutions, and expand collaboration with other development partners.
The objective of the forum is to improve the ability of Mekong countries to implement the sustainable development goals (SDGs) in the Lower Mekong River Basin, and to integrate existing collaborative networks and innovative technologies for the development of effective water solutions. The agenda of the forum is developed by identified priorities, by collecting voices from local experts to make the discussion more meaningful.
We are pleased to announce the forthcoming Mekong Korea International Water Forum (MKWF), scheduled for September 7th and 8th 2023. The forum will take place at the Gyeongwonjae Ambassador Hotel in Songdo, Incheon.
The MKWF serves as a significant diplomatic platform in the field of water and environmental management, organized by the Ministry of Environment of RoK and K-water.